NAB 2024 – Booth W2424

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Value care

Powerful Integrations

Meet us and our partner in our common booth at NAB W2424, April 13–17, 2024.

Cantemo 6

The biggest highlight of Cantemo 6 is the integration of Accurate Player, which offers advanced capabilities for navigating around video, audio and subtitles, with extensive keyboard controls.

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Item Page
The redesign includes a more logical organization of actions and metadata, ensuring that users spend less time navigating and more time creating.
Search Filters
Includes a range of advanced search filters, such as date range, file type, and metadata fields, to help you narrow down your search results and find exactly what you're looking for.
Native playback for binary subtitle formats including SRT, STL, SCC, PAC and CAP, as well as modern web subtitle standards like TTML, IMSC 1.1 and WebVTT.

In Validate

JIT is now available in Validate. Stream your favourite formats, such as ProRes, JPEG2000 or XDCAM to your browser. In realtime. In high quality. Without proxies

Accurate Player
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Maximize quality
Always get the best possible quality from your content with built-in adaptive bitrate control.
Adaptable. Adapt the timeline to your needs by the modular compenent design.
No proxy generation
Cut the time from acquisition to workflow. Start work directly.
Quick access
Natively integrated into Accurate.Video, which opens up for use in a lot of workflows.


Accurate.Video is specifically designed for collaborative professional media workflows with time-based metadata in mind.

Enhance video content by refining subtitles:
Edit text for clarity, adjust timing for sync, address frame rate conversion issues, verify positioning, and manage multiple languages simultaneously.

Accurate Player
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Accurate Player
Try it out
Improvements to Audio Meter settings and marker selection behavior.
The concept of Projects has been introduced. It will allow users to work with multiple sources.
Snapshots are no longer deleted when creating a poster.